When a brand, company, organization or institution wants to make an event for some guests, they want everything to be perfect, that people feel comfortable during the event, that they leave happy for having attended and that they retain it in their memory and remember it. If a brand decides to make an event, the audiovisual installations play a fundamental role to impress the guests, remain in the mind of the consumer and differentiate themselves from other brands.

How to get the most out of audiovisual installations at events?

Audiovisual events are made with the purpose of impressing the guests who attend and that they remember it as a great experience. If it is a branded event, the experience that the guests have, will make them remember the brand more or less. To achieve this, it is necessary to be in constantly evolving, trying new things and trying to generate emotions in the guests.

There are many audiovisual installations to get the best out of your event. Below, we review several audiovisual elements that will make your event unforgettable.

Visual equipment for events

Visual equipment for events is responsible for the projection of images and videos during the event. These audiovisual installations are one of the most demanded services in the event organization sector because they are a quick, simple and visual way to transmit the message of the event.

It is important that the images projected at the event are clear and have a good resolution, that they can be viewed from any point in the room or, if it is an outdoor event, that they can be viewed correctly regardless of the outside light or the sun.

The sound equipment for events, among the audiovisual facilities that can not miss

Sound equipment is one of the pillars in any audiovisual installation for an event. The sound is capable of transmitting many emotions to the audience. Therefore, it is a fundamental pillar that can not miss or fail. Without the right sound equipment, the guests experience would be totally different.

When choosing the sound equipment, it is necessary to consider different aspects of the event such as the dimensions of the venue, if it is indoors or outdoors, the number of people attending, if the event is going to be recorded or what is the theme of the event among others.

Lighting equipment for events

Among the audiovisual installations for events, we find the lighting equipment. We must bear in mind that it is not an easy task to achieve the desired lighting in an event, which is why a company specialized in audiovisual equipment as Octo Event Productions can help you achieve it and make your event a great one.

Thanks to the latest advances in lighting, different atmospheres can be created on the same set, so the guests will feel different sensations and emotions.

Rigging and structures for events, fundamental in audiovisual installations

Rigging and structures for events are some of the most complicated installations to visualize for companies, brands, organizations or institutions that are going to present an event. The fact is that it is difficult to get an idea of all the structure that support components such as lights, banners, photocalls, screens and others.

For this purpose, there are specialized people who are dedicated to carry out all the necessary projects and calculations to ensure that there are no errors in the blasting of audiovisual elements.

Scenography and decoration, make the most of the audiovisual installations for events

Making the most of the decoration of the event is essential, as this will generate the first impression of the audience and will also be part of the experience. The decoration should be attractive, neat and eye-catching. For corporate events, the colours and materials must be in accordance with the tones and objectives of the corporate brand and that everything has a harmony.

Technique and scenography can be combined to create the best results

At Octo Event Productions we are able to represent and customize any type of scenography and decoration to make your brand stand out and position itself in the consumer’s mind, thanks to our own production in carpentry and our wide variety of standard and customizable stages.

As we have seen, audiovisual installations are necessary to get the most out of an event, provide an ideal experience for each guest and make known what message you want to convey.

At Octo Event Productions we can provide all these audiovisual facilities to make the results of an event unique and adapted to what the client needs. If you are thinking of organizing an event and want to be in the best hands to ensure that everything goes perfectly, you can contact us through our website for any questions or through the email address info@octoeventproductions.com. We will be happy to help you.