Having an accurate planning of the materials to be used for an event, fair or congress is a fundamental aspect, because without it, it will be difficult to offer a quality service. A good logistics for events will allow each service to be carried out with the time and dedication it deserves, solving all the needs that arise so that the days of installation, event and dismantling, everything goes perfectly and we do not encounter any last minute obstacles.

The keys to event logistics

When organizing and planning an event, it is necessary to have the right equipment with the latest technology so that everything goes as planned.

Sound, microphones and lighting, one of the keys to event logistics

Thanks to the audiovisual equipment rental, companies have at their disposal sound and lighting technology that would be unthinkable if they had to buy it. When organizing an event, it is necessary to choose the best sound, microphone and lighting equipment, counting on the technical support of a specialized company to take control during the event.

Video equipment

Monitors, video walls, projectors or LED displays, in addition to signal distributors and video mixing consoles, are solutions to be considered in every event. Enhance corporate content in video format and provide endless advantages in terms of reputation, competence and brand image.

Technical crew, another of the keys to event logistics

It is essential to rely on a team of technicians who will ensure that the event is of the highest quality. The technicians have the capacity to solve any problem that may arise and are the ones responsible for ensuring that the equipment works perfectly at all times.

Main stages in event logistics

When establishing a logistics plan for events, there are several stages in which you must respect the times if you want everything to go perfectly and smoothly. Below, we are going to tell you which are the main stages in the planning and logistics of any event.

Organize all the actions to be done in order to carry out the event

The first step that should always be followed in event logistics is both planning and producing the different actions that will be developed in order to achieve an excellent result of the event. To do this, the event organizing company and the client must specify the target audience, how many attendees there will be, where and when the event will be held, its program and what budget will be available to carry out all these actions. Once this has been done, it is necessary to prepare both the equipment (audio, video or lighting equipment) and the human resources (carpenters, machinists or video, sound and lighting assistants) that will be needed. It is necessary to know how to identify which technologies will be used for the development of our activity. It is essential to have a clear program of the event with its schedules to make sure that no element is missing or, to have a first estimate of it as soon as possible to assess the needs. It is very important to have all the equipment a few days before setting up the event in order to be able to solve any unforeseen eventuality that may arise.

Assembling all the necessary equipment, essential in event logistics

Once the planning has been done and we already have all the materials for our event, it is time for the set up. This step is fundamental and it is important to invest time in it, because an inadequate arrangement of the elements or a bad lighting, can turn an exceptional evening into a bad experience for all attendees. Before starting the event, it is highly recommended to have everything tested, especially the audiovisual systems. It is very important that, as far as possible, the technical team is present throughout the event to solve any problems that may arise. It is not only necessary to pay attention to the audiovisual, such as lighting or sound equipment, but also to elements such as the distribution of tables or chairs according to the format of the event and the atmosphere it is intended to achieve.

When you are organizing an event and it is taking place, you must also pay close attention to the security of all the equipment, there are many events in which equipment has mysteriously disappeared because it was not properly stored or secured with padlocks or other elements.

Logistics during the event

At this point is where you will really see if the pre-production and logistics prior to the event have been carried out in a correct and orderly manner. If everything has been coordinated correctly in the days, weeks or months before the start of the assembly, no alarms should go off during the setup and the most serious thing that can happen is that some equipment forgotten in the preparation, or some additional equipment required by the client during the setup or rehearsals, may have to be requested from the warehouse.

Dismantling the event

After having arranged the technical and human resources on the stage where the event has taken place, it is time to proceed with the dismantling, collection of the material and closing of the event, key in the logistics for events. For the dismantling of events, it is essential to coordinate the order and time of disassembly and clearance of the space or event room.

Evaluation, the last step in event logistics

For any company in the sector in charge of the organization or technical production, the event is not over until a balance of the results obtained is made. It is very important to evaluate the event, to see if the objectives have been achieved, what has been the performance of the budget and the estimated cost-benefit analysis, as well as to see the points of improvement that can be implemented for future similar projects.

Most popular event formats

When planning logistics for events, it is essential to know the format of it. One of the most demanded formats since Covid-19 is the webinar, an online seminar that brings together a large number of people who are distributed in different parts of the world. Another format that is in great demand is the workshop, which allows participants to learn and gives the event a very practical nature.

Among the most popular formats for event logistics are congresses, which aim to keep participants abreast of the latest developments in a specific sector at a professional level and usually last between two and five days. Finally, another type of event that is in high demand is the launch of a company’s latest product or service, where there are usually demonstrations, invited brands and relevant faces, ensuring that every detail highlights the characteristics of the product being presented.

Event logistics can be a very complicated task if all these points are not clear and if there is no proper planning. However, if all the stages and the format of the event are clear, success is assured. At Octo Event Productions we plan in detail each service with the time and dedication it requires, attending to all the needs that arise so that, during the set-up, event and dismantling days, everything goes according to plan. Our production department and our warehouse staff implement all the steps and actions to coordinate each and every one of the elements that are necessary to implement the project. If you want to count on the best logistics company to organize an event, do not hesitate to contact us!